
The Spoon Theory

I did NOT write the Spoon Theory. This is a good representation for how people with chronic illnesses deal. Some days I wake up with no spoons. Those days certainly are rough. Do you know of someone that has an invisible disease or chronic illness,(Chrons, Gastroparesis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Polymyositis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, etc) I could probably fill this page up with all of the diseases that are considered chronic or invisible.

I do have a bone to pick with why my own chronic illnesses don’t get enough funding or research hours. 2012, is the first time a drug made specifically for Lupus has been on the market in 50 years. I mean really 50 freakin years. All the while my Lupus sisters and brothers are dying left and right from complications with it. Lupus and the other invisible diseases never get any of the funding to research to find a cure. It all goes to Cancer. Now don’t get me wrong Cancer is terrible both my parents died from lung cancer. Cancer Kills…but so does Lupus and Gastroparesis. People lose their battle with Lupus, Gastroparesis, and other autoimmune and chronic issues every day. But everyone wants to donate the big Cancer companies.

Another thing while I’m on this tangent COVID-19 they’ve started using Hydroxychrlquine (Plaquenil) which was the first drug to be made for lupus about 50 years ago. They’ve started treating COVID-19 patients with that. I got a call from my pharmacy and they said they didn’t know if they would be able to fill my prescription because of a shortage and they are using it on COVID-19. I was not having that. I have been on Plaquenil since 2011 consistently for my Lupus they are not about to stop giving it to me now. Tell the COVID-19 patient to wait for more to come in stock. I was livid because without that medication I know I will have a seriously bad flare and probably be hospitalized. Well after I got off the phone with pharmacists the next two days I got my prescription Plaquenil in the mail. I’m not saying that COVID-19 patients aren’t in dire need of Plaquenil. I’m just saying “Don’t rob Peter to pay Paul” as my grandmother would say. Because Peter needs medicine too.