
Really? It’s ONLY JANUARY????????

As you can tell from the title I’m a little bit perturbed. My 2022 isnt going great…..So end of December 2021 I was diagnosed with Shingles, above my right eye, heading towards the eye. I woke up and my eye was swollen shut. I went to emergency room where they diagnosed me with shingles gave me meds and told me to Call my Ophthalmologist because it was very close to my eye. I called and they were able to get me in that same day. When I got there doctor looked and he wanted to get a picture but my eyelid wouldn’t open up. So he gave prednisone drops and Valtrex 3 times a day. I was to follow up with him in one week. Apparently if the shingles gets in your eyes you can start to go blind.

I’ve having trouble with my right arm, sometimes feeling like a horse has kicked me in my shoulder.

So I go on my usual day looking like Dan dotted my i. Swelling was gone quick. So second checkup eye is doing better but I actually eye sight has changed. He’s going to check on it again in February before he makes me stop taking the Plaquenil.

January 10, 2022- Went to the emergency room after talking to several of doctors. I was having COVID-19 or Flu symptoms. Tested positive for COVID-19 and pneumonia. So for the past week I’ve been having a great time. on the 21st I can get tested again. It should be gone and I can get back to life. It has been a nice break from everything even though I feel horrible. I’ve been able to start my readings for school, finished organizing (decorating) my planner, wrote some upcoming posts on both blogs, and started the budget book. So what looks like idle time really wasn’t for me. The worst part is not being able to talk to people who can talk back, LOL. Oh me, Tia, Capone, and Presco had a lot of one sided conversations. They probably think I’m nuts.

January 18, 2022- I FINALLY got out of the house today!…to a doctor’s appointment. So for the past couple of weeks I have been having some issues with my port leaking blood. It flushes and gives blood back but before I know it my dressing is a bloody mess. So yesterday I called the surgeon who put it in and they called me this morning and asked if I could come in this morning so he could take a look at it. The needle appears to have come out some, which is why its leaking. It was more fluid than blood. So pretty much my everyday movement can be pushing the port needle out. So, he had a couple of ideas: 1. Port needle probably needs to be changed twice a week instead of once. 2. Do NOT push the needle back in once its come out, this can cause infection. 2.And also to tell my nurse to try to manipulate the skin so its not sticking me in the same hole because it will make the skin weak. The port itself works great. They de-accessed and re-accessed my port.  They gave me direct number to call if more problems happen. When I go to hospitals outside of Norton’s system they are hesitant to take my word on wither or not my port is a power port (i.e. meaning it can take IV contrast for CT Scans).

When you get the port implanted they are supposed to give you a card that has all the information about the port lot # and it says if its a power port or not,  but they never gave me one. So every time, I have to argue with the nurses/doctors about my port which takes 30-45mins, then another hour when they decide they are going to use the ultrasound machine to find a vein in my arm…guess what happens then…yep you guessed it blows my vein so I have horrible bruises up and down my arms and it HURTS. They can’t duplicate a card but they gave me a number to have the nurses call when they have a question about wither or not the port is a power port or not. That’s a huge relief.

I’m ready to get back to the real world, train my dogs, promote my business all the fun things in life. However, this week I have watched like 8 seasons of the tv show “A Haunting” on Discovery +. It was either that, “Ghost Brothers” (hilarious show, these guys are awesome, I will do a separate post about this topic and them), or “Snapped”, “Fear They Neighbor”, “Deadly Women”..anything true crime. When Dan would come home from work he’d look at the T.V. and be like “Ummn do I need to be worried about something???” LOL. I’m pretty sure he looks at my cooking twice before eating it now. LOL

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