• From A Black Girls Prospective,  Jabber,  Life,  Lupus,  serious shit

    2021 Re-Cap

    So yeah, I did a pretty horrible job this year of my blogging business. I fully intend on making that up in 2022. But first lets recap 2021 and what a rollercoaster ride it has been. COVID-19 of course destroyed my business, so a large chunk of my life in 2021 was spent, trying to avoid situations where I would avoid being in public. I continued my Wednesday IVIG Infusions for my Gastroparesis (yeah 8 hours long infusion). I’m so glad I get along with my home health nurse, I dont see how she puts up with me half the time lol. We sit and watch movies and talk and…

  • Jabber,  Life,  Lupus,  serious shit

    Opioid Crisis in America Demographically….read to be educated

    Catch up! 1/11/2022- I was diagnosed with COVID-19, and Pneumonia. I have been treated with the NEW antibody infusion and on quarantine for 10 days, I’m sure I will be catching up on my blogging since I can only watch so much tv. Shout to UofL Jewish Southeast Med Center who took care of me in their Emergency Room for 8 hours. My sats were low, my heart rate was up, i had to have 2 breathing treatments and medication, both doctor and nurse was great. THANK YOU! Without further ado here is a brand new post: So last night 1/11/2022, I was watching Wanda Sykes (a comedian who I…

  • Life

    Cancel Culture???

    Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be “canceled.” —Wikipedia Cancel culture allows people to identify who is loyal to their movement. Broadcasting the transgressions of others forces everyone to respond. Though targets of cancel culture commit transgressions of varying degrees of severity, often they have done something that has gone out of fashion. —Wikipedia Let’s say you and I have been best friends since we were kids, and we are sitting on a porch just…

  • Dogs,  Life

    Criticism: The Good, the bad, and the ugly!

    So I’ve been kind of writing this post in my mind for 2-3 weeks. Finally I think I can post about it without cringing. So here goes. No matter what industry you work in or hobby you do, you are bound to come across constructive criticism. This form of criticism is used mainly to motivate a person to do better than they have done in the past. It’s not meant to hurt your feelings or make you feel unwanted. 2-3 weeks ago I received some criticism from my mentor about some behaviors. I will now go into detail about it specifically. We were at third-party person’s house having a training…

  • Life

    Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter

    Ok, whew! Where to start with this post. Its been a long time coming. First, we thought that all we had to do is survive and get through COVID-19 together. Now we are adding protests, shootings, rioting, and looting. My poor city. Our downtown area looks like a war zone. Windows are broken and boarded up. I barely even recognize it. So, our city has had an officer-involved shooting where an innocent bystander was shot 6 times and died. This bystander was 26-year-old Breonna Taylor. Breonna served the city of Louisville as an EMT. Just looking at her pictures you could tell she was a bright and happy young lady.…

  • Dogs,  Life,  Lupus,  Wicca

    Welcome To Java & Jabber…

    Hello and thanks for stopping by “Java & Jabber” blog. I’m Ellasha, the author. To learn more about me visit the About Me page. This is my first post on this blog. I’ve never done a lifestyle blog before. All my blogs have been more personal blogs than anything else. So, I will try to stick to the 5 or 6 themes that I have picked to write about. I will categorize them and make them easy to find. So browse around and I hope you enjoy reading. Ellasha xoxo