
Cancel Culture???

Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – either online on social media, in the real world, or both. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be “canceled.”


Cancel culture allows people to identify who is loyal to their movement. Broadcasting the transgressions of others forces everyone to respond. Though targets of cancel culture commit transgressions of varying degrees of severity, often they have done something that has gone out of fashion.


Let’s say you and I have been best friends since we were kids, and we are sitting on a porch just looking at the sky. I say “Isn’t that the prettiest blue sky?” your reply “Well, it would be pretty but the sky is read my friend,” I reply “Are you blind?” you reply “No! are you?” there is an awkward silence. I stand up and say, “Well if you don’t believe the sky is blue we can’t be friends, don’t ever talk to me again,” and I leave the porch….this is called Cancel Culture.

I might be showing my age a bit here but back in the day if I had a disagreement with my best friend…and I’m talking about from small meaningless topics (the color of the sky) or major topics such as politics. We would not throw our years of friendship away. I love the term “Agree to Disagree”, now don’t get me wrong I will debate (friendly) but even then there comes a point when it gets too serious and it needs to be a “Agree to Disagree” situation. Its not worth losing a lifelong friendship over it. So before it gets to that level, be an adult and agree to disagree.

I try not to talk about hot button issues in certain groups. I know we disagree and are both very passionate about our different beliefs. I don’t talk about Muhammed Ali (who is the greatest) around military people. I dont go looking for a debate or a argument. I definitely don’t talk about certain things on my Facebook Page. My current and future clients have access to y page and I don’t need that stress or drama. So I keep it light and friendly. I find it very unprofessional of professionals who provide services to blab about topics or unfriend people because they believe something different from you.  You will also lose out on business if your future clients see the bickering or are for the other side. Its very childish. Aligning yourself with people who only believe what you believe is boring anyway.

I had no idea that this had a name until I saw an episode of Dr.Phil while I was folding clothes last week. I have had this happen to me personally but didn’t think it actually happened so much to people that it had a name. The more articles I read about this, the more I’m convinced this is a form of Bully “believe our way or get out of our group”…sounds like Bullying someone for their own beliefs. Yes its a sad thing. I shake my head when I read stories of people being humiliated by this Cancel Culture. For people to forget about each others feelings just baffles me. So enclosing I’m going to quote one of my favorite people, Ellen DeGeneres, “Be kind to one another”.


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