Work With Me

Java and Jabber Blog accepts advertisements and sponsorships. Please contact Ellasha Ferriell at  or by phone 502-517-7669.

Here is a list of partnerships we are willing to do. But we don’t limit it there, we are open to other ideas as well:

  • Sponsored Resort and Vacation Visits
  •  Sponsored Posts
  •  Brand Ambassadorship
  • Event Appearance and Live Social Sharing
  • Speaker Engagements
  • TV Brand representation
  • Twitter Party Hosting, Panelist & More
  • Instagram Takeover

We also offer consultation and coaching services in the following areas:

  • Dog Training (Competition or Basic Obedience)
  • Paranormal
  • Boxer (dog breeds)

Our Current Affiliates

  • Chewy –just click the link and begin to shop.
  • Erin Condren- I absolutely love her life planners and notebooks. My world would be an unorganized mess if I didnt have them. Use my referral code:
  • See Blog post:



  • I just love the layouts and the space. Its a lot of space to write daily things in. For the notebooks I use them as my journal, Tia and Capones Training notes, notes for this blogs and for my dog training business. I should buy stock in Erin Condren. LMAO. Well any who. I will end this post here but check out the different designs.
