
Ms. Tia Love…what can I say about this spunky young girl. She is my heart dog. Our bond is pretty tight and solid. As we train together and learn our Dogsports we’ve gotten so many compliments on how well we work together.Tia came from Boxnen Boxers in Wisconsin. They have the most IGP titled boxers in the country. I am really good friends with the owner Minna. I had been waiting for a dog from her for awhile. I really wanted to get into IGP with a boxer and she breeds them and titles her own boxers.


Tia is a very smart dog and very affectionate. We haven’t titled in IGP yet but she has titled in AKC with Beginner Novice and Rally Novice titles. She is my foundation female for my breedig program. Currently she is in Wisconsin training with Minna (her breeder) for her breed suitablity test, the ZTP title that Capone already has. I look forward to a right future of titles with Tia.